Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why we homeschool (or still homeschool)

So, I am repeatedly asked if we will continue to homeschool our kids all the way through high school. Now that our oldest is in his first year of high school, I suppose you would think that would be a resounding, automatic, yes! But, it isn’t really. It is something I think about, pray about and consider often. And some days I even ask myself why, oh why am I doing this? So, I thought I would pause during today’s routine and jot down a few of the many answers so that I may, on a bad day, return to these words and again test them out.
Honestly, I originally homeschooled because we couldn’t afford private school. No kidding. My husband was making somewhere in the range of $24,000/year and I stayed home with my kids and we were already a family of four with hopes to grow larger. At the time, we could barely afford two day a week private preschool at $50/month after rent, food, gas etc. When I looked at the private tuition costs of area schools, it was overwhelmingly beyond our budget. That was over 10 years ago in 1997/1998.
As the kids grew, the income did too but so did our family size and by then we were already hooked on the homeschool lifestyle. We were able to spend the best hours of the day with our kids, watch them learn and grow and best of all we could teach them anything and everything about God and this big, beautiful world He made. We found every subject seemed to come back around to Him and His ways. I also found the kids had opportunity to ask all kinds of questions about everything and I was the one who had the privilege of answering their questions, wiping away their tears and of learning about cool stuff.
Thus, we’ve found that I have opportunity to really know my kids and to be around them a lot, which is usually, an enjoyable experience. And I have found that, like most things, you learn more from the teaching than they do from being taught. God is usually at work changing me just as much as He is at work changing them. And the longer I do this, the more I learn that I am truly much more of a facilitator than a teacher. I can facilitate their learning by laying before them a plethora of rich and wonderful resources by experts in every field but ultimately it is really up to them on whether they decide to “learn” it or not.
Now we have four children, ages 3 to 14, which means we have four distinct developmental levels of learning going on simultaneously each day. This is the first year of high school but it is also the first year I am facilitating preschool to high school as well! I must admit, that most days my feet hit the ground running and I am still stretched and often overwhelmed. And on especially hectic days I wonder if I should be walking this path. But somewhere somehow I think God hears my humble, “please help, LORD,” and He is pleased to provide a way as we seek to know Him and the mystery of His ways.

1 comment:

Mama Kautz said...

I hear you on the "why" This isn't the first blog I have read this week about "why" maybe it is mid-winter blues LOL Speaking from having one in highschool, he came home half way through his freshman year....don't do it....just some unsolicited advice....but speaking from experience.