Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Blondstar Moment

If you need a chuckle then do I ever have one for you. Here is the email I sent my family yesterday describing my latest faux pas:

Well after you hear what I managed to do, you may not want to claim relation any longer.

After driving around for several weeks with an electronic window stuck in the halfway down position (in rain and hot sun) Cory finally gets some help from a body mechanic friend to get it fixed before Grandma comes down for the weekend. The only day we could work it in was today (yes, Phillip’s 16th birthday). So, After three hours of taking the entire door of the Toyota van apart, our friend discovers that nothing is really broken after all. I had simply pushed the ‘child’s safety lock’ that I didn’t even know I had and “locked” the window in that position!!!

I guess my only consolation is that neither Cory nor the car-mechanic friend thought to try the button lock either.

I just amazed myself sometimes!
Unbelievably yours,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Questions

Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

This verse keeps returning to my mind and my question is:

1. Am I letting the word of Christ richly dwell within me?


2. How am I letting the word of Christ richly dwell within me?

I don't have any answers yet, just questions.

Anyone else with answers is encouraged to share.
Your prayers are appreciated also.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

20 years and counting...

Well, February this year has already come and gone, but I do remember thinking sometime during that month that it marked my 20th year of walking with God. Twenty years, wow.

I am so thankful that the Father, in His infinite grace and mysterious ways, reached down and redeemed my life; my mistakes for His forgiveness and my sins for His righteousness. It certainly wasn’t a “fair” trade; thank the LORD! I’m glad this world is not always fair or my life would have been radically different these past 20 years had I gotten what I deserved instead of what I needed. God is truly Great and Wonderfully Good.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's a Small World After All

So, my Mom comes for a visit recently and tells me that she brought a jar of cookie mix with her to spend some time together making cookies with my girls. Well, she forgot and left the cookie mix in the car the first day, but two days later she comes by and delivers the cookie mix, along with other presents and goodies on her way elsewhere for the day.

I had a baby shower to attend that afternoon and left the girls behind, due to an eye infection working its way through my family, to make the cookies together while I was gone. When I returned home the were in the kitchen diligently working away and I picked up the glass canning jar and read the homemade label. It said, “Sparkler Cookies. [baking instructions]Enjoy this treat with our heart-felt THANKS for your dedicated service this year! We thank GOD upon our every remembrance of YOU!
Ric and Lisa Schumacher

Then, I about fell off my chair! I almost couldn’t believe it!

Ric and Lisa Schumacher were the support group leaders for our homeschool group while living in the Stuttgart, Germany area. And they were also in charge of the Sparks age-group at the AWANA program my girls attended while living there.

And now, less than two years later I was holding a handmade label from them that had been given to my Mom for her volunteer service at the Sparks AWANA program at my Mom’s church in Pullman, WA.

It’s a small, small world. :)