Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Blondstar Moment

If you need a chuckle then do I ever have one for you. Here is the email I sent my family yesterday describing my latest faux pas:

Well after you hear what I managed to do, you may not want to claim relation any longer.

After driving around for several weeks with an electronic window stuck in the halfway down position (in rain and hot sun) Cory finally gets some help from a body mechanic friend to get it fixed before Grandma comes down for the weekend. The only day we could work it in was today (yes, Phillip’s 16th birthday). So, After three hours of taking the entire door of the Toyota van apart, our friend discovers that nothing is really broken after all. I had simply pushed the ‘child’s safety lock’ that I didn’t even know I had and “locked” the window in that position!!!

I guess my only consolation is that neither Cory nor the car-mechanic friend thought to try the button lock either.

I just amazed myself sometimes!
Unbelievably yours,

1 comment:

Davis' said...

Okay, that totally made me laugh, much needed. Thank you!! :)