Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chapter Ten: When in Rome…

The saying goes, “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”Thus, as polite guests during our time living in Germany, there were certain rules and customs we tried to follow out of respect for our neighbors and as guests in their country. This was quite difficult for my older kids when they thought the customs foolish. For example, one custom was to always wear shoes and (and usually a jacket) when out of doors. This especially drove my son crazy as he is the one who loves to be barefoot year-round. The Germans definitely bundle up starting in the fall and throughout the winter and they looked disapprovingly on my kids who didn’t wear scarves and hats or gloves unless it was close to freezing temperatures outside.

Another rule or custom we followed was that of sweeping the fallen leaves out of the street in front of our house. This was also difficult for my 13-year-old son who did much of the sweeping. A road is not a place in need of cleaning or sweeping to his way of thinking. And, if it did need cleaning, we have street sweepers in America to do it. Many Americans still sweep their leaves out of their yards and into the street for collection or cleaning. In contrast, German residents rake leaves from their yards AND sweep them from their driveways and streets in front of their house as well.

This was just part of the experience of living in another country; some new customs we adapted to easily and quickly while others brought much resistance and exclamations of stupidity on behalf of younger members of my family. But hopefully it was a learning experience one way or another.

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